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Ali Postivan (740m)

Von der Eisenbrücke zum religiösen Zentrum Ali Postivan

From Permet by car to a narrow iron bridge by the river Lumica.
Crossing the bridge (Max. 5 tons) you have to follow the big trail always up. There are buildings on the left.
After about 20 Min. you enter in an open field. The trail is not anymore clear. There are several trails. Don't go horizontally. Crossing the field on the direct vertical way you reach the ridge. Keep walking on the easy ridge and later you find another part of a big trail.

There are no signs on the way, only some cairns.
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Letzte Änderung: 06.10.2016, 15:20Alle Versionen vergleichenAufrufe: 5340 mal angezeigt

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