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Verhältnisse vom 16.09.2016

Illyrische Grabstätten bei Selcë Albanien (783m): Von Proptishti zu den Grabmonumenten

WanderungMit GPS-Track
2 Personen
Hauptziel erreicht
Interesting archeological location
the path maybe will be signed soon.
Kurz vor Proptishti rechts der unbefestigten Strasse kann nach 200 m Fussweg eine sehenswerte steinerne Brücke von der Via Egnatia besichtigt werden.
Verhältnis Bilder
Persönliche Bilder


Illyrische Grabstätten bei Selcë Albanien (783m)

Von Proptishti zu den Grabmonumenten
Walk down 5 minutes and cross the bridge. (There are two bridges).
Continue on the road 5 minutes and you can leave to the right on a very small path the dusty road.
After 10 minutes you walk through a rocky region, but on a good way.
Soon you reach again the dusty road, follow about 200 m and you see on the left the small path that leads you up.
Through dry grassland you have to ascend during 20 meters a very swampy path.
Then you follow horizontally a small water course. You see a spring with fresh water that local people drink normally (we drank also, without having problems after that!)
You cross the dusty road once again directly and continue going easy up.
On the right you see the rest of an old road building and you go up to the right. Continuing going up through grassland you reach the saddle where there you can see a yellow sign: VARRET MONUMENTALE SELGE POSHT. There is the road and a place where about two cars can park.
Follow the yellow sign: VARRET MONUMENTALE SELGE POSHT and discover the Illyrian graves. It takes you 30 up to 40 minutes.
A 4WD car can pick you up very near the monuments within 2 hours after you started in Proptishti. Or you walk about 30 minutes to Selcë.

Letzte Änderung: 22.09.2016, 18:13Aufrufe: 1129 mal angezeigt


Lawinenrisiko-Indikator (Prognose)


Illyrische Grabstätten bei Selcë Albanien (783m)

Von Proptishti zu den Grabmonumenten


300 hm

1.0 h
